Thursday, January 28, 2010

Knitting; Ribbed Lace Bolero

So I'm currently working on a ribbed lace bolero. This will be my third time making this. The first time I made it WAY too small for myself. So I made it again & it was still too small. So I gave it to my oldest sister, who is smaller than me; btw she's a mother of three children. [yeah...]

So I'm using the same color as pictured. I don't consider myself a large framed person & my measurements were similar to the sample. I eventually realized my gauge was WAYYYY smaller than the creator of this lovely pattern.
So i decided to go much bigger. Lesson learned:
test your gauge before proceeding to make the
whole garment b/c recasting is WAY better than
unraveling a whole garment upon completion. [and I did unravel the first one I made b/c there's no one that I know who is THAT small.

I suggest that your cast on about 22 [multiple of 4+2] & jump straight into the pattern:

row 1: k1 (k2together, yo, yo, ssk) repeat lace pattern until 1 stitch left, k1
row 2: p1 (p1, p1 into first yo, p1 into the back of the second yo, p1) repeat lace pattern until 1 stitch left, p1

for a few rows & measure. Did you waste some time? NO! You are knitting smart.

I am what I like to call a "conservative knitter" which is opposite of what it sounds like if you're thinking yarn. I knit tight. I end up using more yarn so I'm not conservative in that aspect, but yeah... I think you get it.

Anyways... here's video of how to do these confuzzling "yo, yo" & "p1 into first yo, p1 into the back of the second yo" that I had oh so much trouble figuring out. Here you go,

don't mind my stuffy nose!!!

Here is the cable knitting portion of the Ribbed Lace Bolero.

Here's the bind/cast off for this pattern; Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind off.

...your welcome.

1 comment:

  1. HEYYY!
    I was knitting the same Bolero...And I got stuck on the pearling back part..and I got so disheartened cuz I couldn't figure it out :(
    Am SO glad I came across your blog..Will continue with the Bolero now :D
